A Walk Through the Planes – Part 63: Of Sigil and the Sea
Sean“Of Sigil and the Sea” isn’t the first Planescape piece by William James Cuffe, but it is the first (though not the only…) one we’ll be covering here. Prior to this article, which is…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 62: Creatures of Torment
SeanRemember how the Outlands is supposedly one of the most important parts of a Planescape campaign, yet the only real resource on it was the sketchy and embarrassing Player’s Primer to the Outlands? Yeah,…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 59: The Manxome Foe
SeanWe’re back to dealing with some of the more obscure parts of official Planescape lore, as “Manxome foe” was originally released as part of the Adventurer’s Guild line of modules for the RPGA (Role…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 57: The Inner Planes
SeanThe Inner Planes by Monte Cook “with William W. Connors”1 was the final full, official Planescape book ever released. That isn’t to say it was the end of the line for the setting, not…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 56: Planar Pestilence
SeanDiseases in D&D have never worked great. It’s difficult to balance them, and then there’s the fact that most competent priests can cure them without much effort. As a result, I can probably count…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 55: Faction War
SeanAt the time of its release, Monte Cook and Ray Vallese’s Faction War was the most controversial work Planescape had ever published. This would not change, and over the years it grew somewhat infamous…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 69: Die Vecna Die!
SeanIn honor of the fourth season of Stranger Things‘ conclusion, we’re going to take a small jump ahead in our chronology to look at Die Vecna Die!, the module that ended not just the…
A Walk Through the Planes – An Interview with Ed Bonny
SeanDespite never working for TSR or Wizards of the Coast, Ed Bonny was a repeated contributor to the Planescape series. His articles frequently focused on updating first edition AD&D to fit with Planescape’s setting,…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 52: A Guide to the Ethereal Plane
SeanMore than any other Planescape book, A Guide to the Ethereal Plane, by Bruce Cordell, is a mess. I don’t mean that word as a pejorative, though, but rather as a descriptive term attempting…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 51: Tales from the Infinite Staircase
SeanIf I correctly remember an interview from years ago with Dan Harmon, the famous (infamous?) creator of Community and co-creator of Rick and Morty, this is how he described the difference between his work…
Exposition Break Series