Dungeons & Dragons
A Walk Through the Planes: Morte’s Planar Parade
SeanMorte’s Planar Parade is a strange release in that its precedents don’t really mesh well together. Second Edition’s Planescape had a lot of monsters, and what’s more, nearly all of them had a ton…
A Walk Through the Planes – Sigil and the Outlands
SeanI realize that I’m skipping ahead wildly in the chronology of this series, but I’ve had enough people asking me to finally offer my thoughts about the new(-ish) Fifth Edition Planescape set that I’ve…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 118: The Savage Tide
SeanThe last of Paizo’s original run of adventure paths for Dungeon Magazine arrived just as D&D‘s third edition was coming to a close. While there was still one remaining book and a handful of…
A Walk Through the Planes – Sidestory: Planar Character Options
SeanBefore reading through the book, I’d kinda assumed that Planar Character Options, the third and so far final part of Monte Cook Games’ quas-campaign setting Planebreaker, was going to be my least favorite of…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 117: Exemplars of Evil
SeanWith third edition D&D quickly winding down, Wizards of the Coast was in a small bind. It still needed to release new books in order to, you know, make money, but at the same…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 116: Monster Manual V
SeanAt this point, I suppose it would be disingenuous for me to feign surprise that I’m covering the last monster manual for third edition D&D, as writing these up feels like it’s become a…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 115: Return of the Modrons
SeanRemember modrons? Sure you do, since you’re reading this column, and they were a huge part of Planescape, not to mention an important species that defined Mechanus as much as the devils do Hell.…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 114: Expedition to the Demonweb Pits
SeanAt the very end of Dungeons & Dragons edition 3.5, Wizards of the Coast surprised the game’s fans with a series of large adventures that returned to old, favorite locations from the game’s history,…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 113: Diplomacy
SeanWhile I’ve covered a fair number of planar adventures in Dungeon, the number that I’ve actually liked has been rather miniscule. The main cause for this, I suspect, is simply that most of what…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 112: The Planes
SeanFor my purposes, it’s certainly handy that Paizo decided to title every issue of Dragon that they published, though sometimes those titles are a bit… uninspired. “The Planes” is issue #353 of the magazine…