Dungeons & Dragons
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 144: Creature Incarnations, Modrons
SeanOk here’s an odd one that I wasn’t sure should be covered in this column but decided would nevertheless be of interest to Planescape fans. Published in the January 2011 issue of Dungeon (#186),…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 143: Shades of Darkness
SeanBy the release of “Shades of Darkness” by Robert J. Schwalb in May 2010 (Dragon #387), it was already clear that D&D‘s magazines were following suit with the rest of the brand in their…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 142: The Plane Above – Secrets of the Astral Sea
SeanNo one was more surprised than me with how good The Plane Below: Secrets of Elemental Chaos turned out, but upon thinking more about that release a lot of this quality derived from Elemental…
A Walk Through the Planes: Scales of War
SeanFor those now catching up with this series, a few months ago back in Februrary I covered “The Shadow Rift of Umbraforge” before reading a bit further into the Scales of War adventure path.…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 141: Red Shoals of Dkar
SeanAfter reclaiming the ownership and editorship of both Dragon and Dungeon magazines from Paizo, Wizards of the Coast decided to make more than a few changes to how the periodicals were run. One of…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 140: The Plane Below – Secrets of Elemental Chaos
SeanI’ve tried to be as fair as I can to Fourth Edition, despite my well-known distaste for both its game mechanics and world. After all, there were plenty of excellent game designers working for…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 139: Draconomicon II: Metallic Dragons
SeanUnlike with the Draconomicon I: Chromatic Dragons, Draconomicon II: Metallic Dragons doesn’t add a whole new swath of planar dragons to the game.1 I’m pretty damn happy about this decision, not just because I’m…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 138: Prince of Undeath
SeanI was legitimately unsure at times if we’d make it, but we’re finally here, the end of Fourth Edition’s HPE adventure path. We’ve had dungeon crawls, more dungeon crawls, one surprisingly open and fun…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 137: Dungeon Master’s Guide 2 & A Conspiracy of Doors
SeanThe decision to make Sigil a part of Fourth Edition’s World Axis cosmology was always weird, but it’s not until the Dungeon Master’s Guide 2 that the contortions required to make it so are…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 136: Revenge of the Giants
SeanReading through this series has led to plenty of surprises, but few of them have been as large for me as seeing former Planescape author Bill Slaviscek’s name listed as one of Revenge of…