Dungeons & Dragons
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 24: Lords of Chaos
SeanProbably the most obscure piece of Planescape lore1 from the setting’s 90s heyday is an article from issue 221 of Dragon Magazine titled “The Dragon’s Bestiary: Lords of Chaos.” Maybe it’s the terribleness of…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 23: Harbinger House
SeanSince Planescape is from that proto-internet world of the 90s and most of the content from then has either disappeared or been thankfully pushed to the bottom of Google’s trash bin, it can be…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 22: The Factol’s Manifesto
SeanWhile In the Cage delivered enough new material to feel essential, its overall package was still weirdly lacking. However, Its counterpart, The Factol’s Manifesto, released just a month later, is an expansive release that…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 7.5: Secrets of the Lamp
SeanIt’s time for another blast from the pre-Planescape past, though we’re not headed back as far as we’ve gone sometimes. Secrets of the Lamp is a kinda awkward supplement in that it came out…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 21: In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil
SeanThis is going to sound a little bit pathetic, but I’m proud that it took until now for me to completely scrap one of these blogs and start again from scratch. It’s been a whole…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 20: A Player’s Primer to the Outlands
SeanBoxed sets haven’t been a part of D&D for a very long time, presumably for a good reason. I have fond memories of seeing dozens of them produced during the late-80s and 90s heyday…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 2.5: Monster Manual II
SeanI mentioned not too long ago that I planned on returning to the Monster Manual II at some point, and given how weirdly foundational it is to the planes I figured it makes more…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 19: Fires of Dis
SeanIt’s more than a little bit silly how many adventures we’ve had in Planescape already considering that by the time Fires of Dis was published it had still been less than a year since…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 18: Planes of Law
SeanPlanes of Chaos had the unenviable task of kicking off the setting’s line of big, boxed sets, plus the even-more unenviable task of detailing the plane of Ysgard (previously known as Gladsheim) and trying…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 17: Prospecting the Planes in Dragon Magazine
Sean[Editor’s note: After publishing this essay, we were contacted by Ed Bonny, the author of the article on the Demiplane of Shadow. He included some contextual information about why the shape of this article…