A Walk Through the Planes
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 126: The Shadow Rift of Umbraforge
SeanWhen Wizards of the Coast took back their rights for Dragon and Dungeon magazines, they had a pretty good sense of what the most popular parts were. In the case of Dragon, this meant…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 125: Pyramid of Shadows
SeanAs much as I may pretend at being the most original and insightful thinker when it comes to D&D, that’s far, far from the case. Many others have written about these supplements and adventures…
A Walk Through the Planes – An Interview with Sean K. Reynolds
SeanA couple months ago, we ran several articles about Monte Cook Games’ trilogy of new RPG books set in D&D‘s Great Wheel cosmology, Path of the Planebreaker. Sean K. Reynolds was one of the…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 124: Mithrendain, Citadel of the Feywild
SeanAfter last week’s surprisingly good read, I found myself wondering whether I’d been wrong about Fourth Edition’s lore all along. I mean, sure, piecing it together often feels like a scavenger hunt, but maybe…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 123: Beleth, the Witch’s Viscount
SeanOne of the most frustrating things about how Fourth Edition treats its lore is that it assumes familiarity with the D&D mythology while at the same time it never tells you what’s actually canon…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 122: Fourth Edition’s Core
SeanEver since people caught onto the fact that I’m not so keen about D&D‘s Fourth Edition, I’ve been asked why I feel so strongly about it. After all, the game has had many editions…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 121: The Last Vestiges of Third Edition
SeanWhile Elder Evils would’ve been a strong, worthy way for Dungeons & Dragons‘ Third Edition to come to an end, that wasn’t what came to pass. During the weird period of time between the…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 120: Elder Evils
SeanThe final book for Third Edition D&D, or to be more accurate edition 3.5, was Robert J. Schwalb’s Elder Evils, a companion of sorts to Exemplars of Evil from a few months earlier. While…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 119: Infernal Aristocracy
SeanOnce Wizards of the Coast snatched its magazine rights back from Paizo, Dragon in particular was in a weird place. Dungeon could stay an Edition 3.5-oriented rag, because Fourth Edition didn’t actually exist yet…
A Walk Through the Planes – Turn of Fortune’s Wheel
SeanWhile Planescape had some of the best supplements, i.e. splatbooks, in the history of roleplaying games, its track record for actual adventures wasn’t nearly so hot. A lot of the lure of the setting…