Roleplaying Games

  • A Walk Through the Planes – Part 1: Gary Gygax’s Goofy Proposition

    A Walk Through the Planes – Part 1: Gary Gygax’s Goofy Proposition

    The original Dungeons & Dragons may be the progenitor of modern roleplaying games, but it has very little actual roleplaying in it. Which isn’t to claim that I was alive back when it came…

  • A Walk Through the Planes – Part 0: Introduction

    A Walk Through the Planes – Part 0: Introduction

    When I returned home to Albuquerque after more than a decade living elsewhere, it was in the midst of the still-ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.[su_tooltip style=”dark” position=”north” shadow=”yes” size=”2″ content=”As I write this, we’re still there,…
