Roleplaying Games
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 55: Faction War
SeanAt the time of its release, Monte Cook and Ray Vallese’s Faction War was the most controversial work Planescape had ever published. This would not change, and over the years it grew somewhat infamous…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 69: Die Vecna Die!
SeanIn honor of the fourth season of Stranger Things‘ conclusion, we’re going to take a small jump ahead in our chronology to look at Die Vecna Die!, the module that ended not just the…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 54: The Illithiad & Dawn of the Overmind
SeanIt may seem like I only cover releases by Bruce Cordell and Monte Cook lately, but that’s just because of how big of a role they had in 1998’s planar releases. Cordell in particular…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 53: A Paladin in Hell
SeanA lot of the 1998-2000, pre-third edition AD&D releases feel a bit sloppier than what we’ve been used to. It’s hard to gauge exactly what was going on behind the scenes, but I have…
A Walk Through the Planes – An Interview with Ed Bonny
SeanDespite never working for TSR or Wizards of the Coast, Ed Bonny was a repeated contributor to the Planescape series. His articles frequently focused on updating first edition AD&D to fit with Planescape’s setting,…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 51.5: Dungeon Builder’s Guidebook & Return to the Tomb of Horrors
SeanRemember how I mentioned that A Guide to the Ethereal Plane had a whole list of sources for its material at the beginning of the book? Well, a thorough and logical person would’ve gone…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 52: A Guide to the Ethereal Plane
SeanMore than any other Planescape book, A Guide to the Ethereal Plane, by Bruce Cordell, is a mess. I don’t mean that word as a pejorative, though, but rather as a descriptive term attempting…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 51: Tales from the Infinite Staircase
SeanIf I correctly remember an interview from years ago with Dan Harmon, the famous (infamous?) creator of Community and co-creator of Rick and Morty, this is how he described the difference between his work…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 50: For Duty & Deity
SeanAs part of late-era TSR’s “we have no idea what what the hell is working so let’s try everything” approach to design and releases, May 1998 saw the simultaneous publication of both For Duty…
A Walk Through the Planes – Part 49: Monstrous Compendium Planescape Appendix III
SeanIt came as a surprise to me when Monte Cook responded about which release he was disappointed with by answering that it was the Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III. “Basically, I had just a…