
  • Exposition Break Podcast: Moon: Remix RPG Adventure

    Exposition Break Podcast: Moon: Remix RPG Adventure

    Proving once and for all we care more about playing interesting games than growing an audience, we took a look at the relatively obscure Moon: Remix RPG Adventure, more frequently known as Moon, and…

  • Exposition Break Podcast: Resident Evil 2 (Remake)

    Exposition Break Podcast: Resident Evil 2 (Remake)

    We take a deep dive into Resident Evil 2: Remake, perhaps the finest remake of Resident Evil 2 to ever be released… at least, as of this recording. Blake gives us a rundown of…

  • Exposition Break Podcast: Dark Souls 3

    Exposition Break Podcast: Dark Souls 3

    While Blake continues trekking through the Resident Evil series, or at least the good ones, Sean has finally finished Dark Souls 3 and is ready to discuss it at length. Being the cranky pair…

  • Exposition Break Podcast: Show Me Your Gambits

    Exposition Break Podcast: Show Me Your Gambits

    While Sean is still stuck in Miyazaki-land with Dark Souls 3, Blake has ventured onward from Sekiro: Shadows Die An Undetermined Number of Times to begin Final Fantasy XII: That One You Probably Skipped…

  • Exposition Break Podcast: Soulsin’

    Exposition Break Podcast: Soulsin’

    Do you like Hidetaka Miyazaki games? Of course you do. Everyone likes Miyazaki’s games, because not liking them is to not like games at all—or at least to have bad taste. In any case,…

  • Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 – The Coronavirus as Board Game

    Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 – The Coronavirus as Board Game

    A couple weeks ago, Z-Man Games, a subsidiary of board gaming behemoth/venture capital shell company Asmodee, announced the indefinite delay of any future Pandemic games, saying that, “Out of respect for those affected by…

  • Exposition Break Podcast: Back from the Dead

    Exposition Break Podcast: Back from the Dead

    After a recording break of… well, longer than we care to think about, we’ve returned to the realm of podcasting just in time for the world to fall apart around us. Nice. Anyhow, for…

  • Death Stranding in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic

    Death Stranding in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic

    I played Death Stranding before the Coronavirus, Covid-19, pandemicized and completely changed the shape of personal interactions. And indeed, that’s the world it was made for, as Hideo Kojima designed the game in pre-quarantine…

  • Codec Logs – Side Story: Death Stranding

    Codec Logs – Side Story: Death Stranding

    I really should’ve written this maybe a month or so back, when I finished Death Stranding. Or maybe even earlier, once I had a good sense of what the game was at the end…

  • WarioWare: Smooth Moves – The Redemption of Motion Controls

    WarioWare: Smooth Moves – The Redemption of Motion Controls

    Motion controls get a bad rap. Which, I want to make completely clear, is not the same thing as saying that most games that actually use motion controls get a bad rap—rather, they’re treated…
