The Year in Review: The Games Blake Played in 2018
BlakeFor me, 2018 was an exceptional year for video games. Some disappointed, but I played some really great stuff that I will keep returning to for years to come. In no particular order, these…
Codec Logs: Polygons and Vision Cones
BlakeBelieve it or not, I’ve known people who play the Metal Gear games and skip the cutscenes and codec conversations. When Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain came out, I recall visiting message boards…
Exposition Break Podcast: Open Beta
BlakeThis is the very first episode of the Exposition Break Podcast! Blake and Sean sit down to talk about Rage 2, Star Fox racer rumors, a 60fps Blight Town in Dark Souls Remastered, the…
Codec Logs: I’m Pretty Sure the Surgeon General Wouldn’t Approve
BlakeEvery now and then, we get a year where great games are bountiful and formative. 2011 was great. 2007 was better. 1998 was the best (I’m willing to hear an argument for 2007, but…
My Favorite Games of 2015
BlakeIt’s always fun to take a look back at the year and remember the games I played. I had a lot of fun in 2015. Some experiences were familiar, some were completely new, some closed the…
Codec Logs: Who Do I Call to Import Some Sand?
BlakeI’ll get to the the intro credits in a minute, but you touched on something that I suddenly can’t stop thinking about: the scene with Gustava in the sewer. You’re right, it isn’t necessarily…
Codec Logs: A Very Sad Olympian
BlakeThe inventory in Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before in a video game, and I think you are on to something when you compare it to an adventure…
Codec Logs: The Phantom Sequel
BlakeTo: Sean Gandert From: Blake Foley Subject: The Phantom Sequel Dear Sean, As we head into Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, I thought it would be worthwhile to take a brief look back at…
The Story So Far: Metal Gear (MSX2)
BlakeGray Fox has been captured by Outer Heaven forces and Solid Snake has been sent in to rescue him.
Codec Logs: Positive Punk
BlakeFrom: Blake Foley To: Sean Gandert Subject: RE: Stop the Operation. Switch off Your MSX at Once. Man, Bioshock’s twist… I really hate that it is THE twist in video games, and I equally…