Exposition Break Podcast: Spelunky 2
Two years after we took a look at its progenitor, we dive into Spelunky 2, a game that’s clawed its hooks deeply into our brains in the way that only a truly great title,…
Baldur’s Gate 3 (Early Access) | We Played a Thing!
A D&D novice and a D&D veteran walk into a nautiloid… Baldur’s Gate 3 was recently released in early access and we thought it would be fun to hop on Discord and go through…
REvisited: A Resident Evil Retrospective
Explore the highs and lows of the Resident Evil franchise as we go back and replay the mainline games, their remakes, and their spinoffs.
Exposition Break Podcast: La Mulana
La Mulana—good game, or best game ever? That’s the central question in this episode focused on the epic (yes, epic) Metroidvania puzzler, the name of which is apparently not Spanish for “The Mulana,” despite…
Exposition Break Podcast: Inside
Remember a few years ago when Inside was the hottest indie title on the market and critics hailed it as the best video game since… video games? Sadly, we do too. But now, with…
Streaming La Mulana 2
I finally have internet that has a respectable upload speed and can finally stream a little bit. After fiddling with OBS for the last couple days, I did my first real stream this morning…
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order – Review
These days, I’m hesitant to publicly say anything positive, negative, or even neutral about a modern Star Wars release for fear that a branch of the fandom will arrive pounding at my door with…
Of COURSE I Pre-Ordered Death Stranding
Yesterday, I asked Sean to write about his anticipation of Death Stranding. I’ve never seen him so anxious for the release of a game and wanted to know how he got here, the day…